The Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education recently invited Tom Reuland to present to other attorneys about legal ethics and related issues. That webinar is now available online.
Attorney Tom Reuland gave a legal update on behalf of the Illinois Insitute of Continuing Legal Education (IICLE) regarding legal ethics and various trends in technology.

IICLE is a leading provider of legal education materials to attorneys. Mr. Reuland was honored to be asked to present on ethical issues. Other attorneys throughout Illinois can view the complete program and receive continuing legal education credits by visiting the IICLE website or by clicking this link: Review of Ethics and Technology Issues In a Post-COVID World | Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education - IICLE
Ongoing Importance of Legal Ethics
All attorneys in Illinois are required to take continuing legal education classes, including classes that directly address legal ethics. The law office of Tom Reuland applauds the requirements attorneys have in Illinois to make the ethical practice of law a priority. "I was happy for the opportunity to speak and contribute to the emphasis that members of our state bar must maintain on practicing ethically and fairly," Mr. Reuland said following his presentation.
Mr. Reuland's Lecture Addresses the Intersection of Ethics and Technology.
The presentation, entitled Review of Ethics and Technology Issues In a Post-COVID World, addresses a range of technological obligations and opportunities that attorneys face while practicing personal injury law. These obligations also extend to other areas of the law as well. Technology, when used appropriately, is a valuable aid to improving some elements of the investigation and litigation of personal injury and wrongful death cases in Illinois. Mr. Reuland's presentation offers concrete advice and pragmatic recommendations on how to best take advantage of technology to help clients.
Presentation Available as a Webinar.
Mr. Reuland's presentation for IICLE is now available as a webinar. One can purchase access through May of 2025 by contacting IICLE. A link to the webinar is available here, and a short preview of the webinar is below.
If you ever have any ethical questions or would like to consult with an attorney, the law office of Tom Reuland is available for a free and confidential consultation. Tom Reuland is an attorney licensed in Illinois who focuses his time on representing seriously injured individuals and families in personal injury and wrongful death claims.
Note: Reuland Law, LLC and Tom Reuland do not receive any compensation from IICLE for clicks or downloads of the webinar.